Thursday, September 06, 2007

I have been very naughty and haven't written for a while.Since my last entry I have finished module 4 Understanding Action Inquiry and have been having a break from Uni work. I was very pleased with my results for my first year but I am not sure if I will be able to keep up this same standard as the criteria goes up a level in year 2.

In my first year I have learn:
How to use powerpoint and different tools in word
How to research a subject
Write a literature review
What reflective practice involves eg reflective models,critical incidents,
Communicating with others through email, IM, Skye, leaving postings
Editing pictures
creating a web page
I have also made new friends and really enjoyed meeting up with some of cohort 6 in August.

Friday, April 27, 2007

I have now finished module 3 (Results 18th May). Module 4 has began and I have downloaded the information and have began to read through, sort in to folders and digest. Tomorrow I hope to begin writing LA1a 'What is Action Inquiry'. After many thoughts and ideas I have now decided what my action inquiry (AI) will be and have began to gather data. I will be using visual clues/prompts to remind the children what they need to do when listening to the teacher. As I teacher for 11 hours a week I will be able to carryout this AI. None of the teachers in school use visual prompts, so I feel this will be a good action inquiry and if successful I will share this information with other members of staff. I have now just got to confirm my AI with my LF Jane.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I produced a Powerpoint Presentation for LA1 but I have now decided it would look better in a Word Doc, as there seems to many words on a slide. I have completed LA2 and most of LA3. This weekend I hope to finish LA3 and 4 and I have managed to keep on top of things since I last wrote.
We have now been put into learning sets I think this has stopped producing so many red flags. I have had two chats with fellow researchers in my set and feel I am starting to build up a relationship with them. I have also joined in with other chats within FC.
I have surprised myself, for one of my genre I have wrote a poem, which I feel was a great achievement for me as I never thought I could do it. I have also wrote a letter and produced a storyboard.
It is creativity week at school and everyone is enjoying all the different activities. Today JN was away so I took the class and I had a great time with the children making African masks out of recycled materials and the music session with different style drums.
Next time I write I hope to have finished all my draft LA's

Thursday, March 08, 2007

I have been reading about reflection and different reflection models, using books and researching the Internet. I have lots of ideas in my head and on note paper but now need to start producing some written work. First activity is to produce a literature review which includes a synopsis and evaluation of key ideas which I have uncovered and how they relate or could relate to my work setting. I have produced my ILP and sent it to my LF but I have had no reply so I am thinking it must be ok. I hope to get LA1 and LA2 finished by the end of next week. (I hope I can do it!)
There have been so many posting in FC every day it has taken me an hour to read through. We have now all been put into learning sets and have been set a task. So far I have posted two comments in my set but I still need to complete this task. There seems so much to do and I don't seem to be on top of it at the moment! Lets hope the next time i write i will be.
I have started to write up my CI using a reflective writing frame. I have wrote them under different headings and even been back to them to add more after a couple of days. i hope to keep with this format over the coming year.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I have had a good sort out of old papers and downloaded Module 3 "Reflection in the Work Setting." I have began to read and research information and also discuss with others "reflection and critical incidents."
Last week I had a great time with Ann and Jan. We discussed lots of things including our feelings about each module and how we have felt being part of an online community.This has help me to clarify that other people are also experiencing the same feelings as me.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I forgot to write about my achievement at transferring all the work I had created on the computer at school on to disc. We are having a new computer suite which should be completed by the end of Feb. All our old files were going to be lost on the network so needed to be transferred. I tried putting them all on to a pen which I was given but my files were too large. I created new folders and put the work into these. The first time I tried sending these folders to disc I thought I had achieved it, but when I checked the disc was empty. I then started clicking buttons to find out where I had gone wrong eventually after about 5 minutes of trying to work it out I found I needed to send the folder to disc then click on file and click write to disc. I then transferred all the children's files from JN class. I first made individually folders with the child's name on and dragged their work into it before transferring. I felt very pleased and proud of myself as this was the first time I have ever done this. The next day I showed another TA how to do this.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Module 3 starts 19th Feb so I have planned to read up on reflective practice during half term week beginning today. I have tried obtaining the reading material suggested by the uni but I was unable to get any from the library so I just got what they had on reflective practice. I have bought a book from eBay and will look on amazon for others.
I was very pleased with my result for module 2 and hope I can keep up this standard of work. Mod 3 looks even harder than mod 2 and I thought that was hard. Well I will just try to do my best! I also need to get myself organised this week with sorting and throwing out paper work I no longer need and putting the final draft of mod 2 into a folder. To confirm I have completed these tasks I have set for myself this week I will write in here later in the week.